Malak é um café de alto nível feito para ser apreciado. É uma marca séria, exclusiva e forte que vai até você no momento mais delicioso.
Os especialistas buscam o equilíbrio perfeito, selecionam e oferecem os cafés mais exclusivos. O objetivo da Malak é te garantir um sabor mais fresco e equilibrado em cada saco, desafiando as expectativas.
É um café de origem única da Etiópia. O público-alvo são pessoas de 25-50 anos, de classe B que gostam de consumir bons produtos. São pessoas que valorizam os momentos agradáveis e buscam por novas experiências.
A partir de todas as informações colhidas, foram desenvolvidas a identidade visual e embalagem para o produto, buscando destacar o sabor e a experiência que o café/marca oferece.
Sua imagem não comunicava o caráter de uma empresa de alta qualidade.
Eu propus para a marca uma linguagem visual totalmente diferente, com cores e elementos adequados para passar uma imagem de produto de alta nível e sabor irresistível. A tipografia foi criada do zero e é exclusiva da marca. Os grãos de café foram desenhados de uma forma diferente, para sair da mesmice e tornar a marca mais exclusiva ainda.
Todos os elementos juntos fizeram nascer uma marca forte e memorável, cheia de histórias e de sabores convidativos. Conseguimos uma embalagem que se destaca e apresenta um produto premium torrado com todo o amor na Etiópia. A Identidade visual deveria traduzir o propósito da marca em produzir um café de excelência e o objetivo do design da embalagem era transparecer a alta qualidade, elegância e o tradicionalismo que a marca carrega. As cores fortes transmitem a riqueza do produto. Utilizei tons do café e da terra para que a embalagem provocasse emoções, sendo capaz de transmitir sabores únicos e experiências revigorantes únicas.
Malak is a high-end coffee made to be enjoyed. It is a serious, exclusive and strong brand that comes to you in the most delicious moment.
Researchers seek the perfect balance, select and supply the most exclusive coffees. Malak's goal is to guarantee a fresher and more balanced flavor in each bag, challenging according to expectations.
It is a coffee of unique origin from Ethiopia. The target audience is people aged 25-50, class B who like to consume good products. They are people who value pleasant moments and seek new experiences.
From all the information collected, a visual identity and packaging for the product were developed, seeking to highlight the flavor and experience that the coffee / brand offers.
Its image does not convey the character of a high quality company.
Its image does not convey the character of a high quality company.
I proposed for a brand, a totally different visual language, with nuclei and elements suitable to convey a high-level product image and irresistible flavor. The typography was created from scratch and is exclusive to the brand. The coffee beans were designed in a different way, to leave the sameness and make the brand even more exclusive.
I proposed for a brand, a totally different visual language, with nuclei and elements suitable to convey a high-level product image and irresistible flavor. The typography was created from scratch and is exclusive to the brand. The coffee beans were designed in a different way, to leave the sameness and make the brand even more exclusive.
All the elements together were born a strong and memorable brand, full of stories and inviting flavors. We got a package that stands out and features a premium product roasted with all the love in Ethiopia. The visual identity should translate the brand's purpose in producing an excellent coffee and the objective of the packaging design was to show the high quality, elegance and traditionalism that the brand carries. As strong cores they transmit the richness of the product. I used tons of coffee and soil for the packaging to provoke emotions, being able to convey unique flavors and unique invigorating experiences.
All the elements together were born a strong and memorable brand, full of stories and inviting flavors. We got a package that stands out and features a premium product roasted with all the love in Ethiopia. The visual identity should translate the brand's purpose in producing an excellent coffee and the objective of the packaging design was to show the high quality, elegance and traditionalism that the brand carries. As strong cores they transmit the richness of the product. I used tons of coffee and soil for the packaging to provoke emotions, being able to convey unique flavors and unique invigorating experiences.